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Protecting yourself from meningitis while traveling

Protecting yourself from meningitis while traveling
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Reduce the risk of contracting a dangerous bacterial infection

Meningococcal meningitis is a serious bacterial infection that can lead to severe illness, disability, and even death. While routine vaccinations in the US offer some protection from meningitis, travelers may require additional protection. Here's what you need to know about meningitis and travel.

Do I need a meningitis vaccine for my trip?

To determine if you need a meningitis vaccine, schedule a consultation with a travel health specialist at Global Travel Clinics six to eight weeks before your departure. A travel health nurse or pharmacist will assess your individual risk of meningococcal meningitis based on your destination, planned activities, and health history. It’s quick and easy to make an appointment with Global Travel Clinics.

Is a meningitis certificate required for my vacation?

Saudi Arabia is one destination that requires arriving visitors to show a proof of meningitis vaccination. Specifically, this applies to travelers undertaking the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia. And people doing seasonal work in Saudia Arabia during Hajj will also require a certificate of meningitis vaccination.

If you arrive in Saudia Arabia for Hajj or Umrah without a meningitis certificate, it’s likely that you will be turned away or delayed.

Global Travel Clinics provides a meningitis vaccination certificate upon immunization. Please note that the vaccination must be administered at least ten days before your arrival in Saudi Arabia, and the certificate is valid for five years.

Where is meningitis a risk?

Meningitis risk varies globally. Higher-risk areas include a zone known as the "African Meningitis Belt". This region, spanning sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal to Ethiopia, experiences increased numbers of meningitis cases, particularly during the dry season (November to June).

There is a global meningitis risk. Meningitis outbreaks can occur worldwide. In temperate climates, outbreaks are more common during winter, while tropical regions see increased cases during the dry season.

If you are traveling to a place with an active outbreak of meningitis, your travel health adviser may recommend you get this vaccine ahead of your trip abroad.

Who is at increased risk from meningitis?

While all travelers should be aware of meningitis risks, certain groups are more vulnerable to infection with the bacteria that causes meningitis. These groups include infants, young adults, and the elderly. Also at greater risk from meningitis are:

  • individuals with weakened immune systems
  • travelers visiting friends and relatives in high-risk areas
  • healthcare workers

If you’re planning to join a large gathering, such as a wedding or a festival on your trip, your travel health adviser might recommend that you get vaccinated against meningitis.

Even low-risk travelers may be advised to get vaccinated during a local outbreak of meningitis.

Meningitis booster vaccines

The meningitis vaccine generally provides protection for five years. If your last vaccination was over five years ago, a booster shot may be recommended.

Staying informed about meningitis outbreaks

To stay updated on meningitis outbreaks at your destination:

By taking these precautions, you can minimize your risk of meningitis and enjoy a safe and healthy trip.