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What causes fine lines and wrinkles?

What causes fine lines and wrinkles?
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Wondering if there’s anything you can do about fine lines and facial wrinkles? We can help

The appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face is an expected part of the aging process. They occur as the skin changes with age.

When do wrinkles and fine lines start to appear?

Many people get their first fine lines at around 25. Fine lines become more prominent after the age of 65.

Why do we get wrinkles and lines on our faces?

As skin ages, its layers thin. And the rate of renewal and the production of proteins like collagen slow down. Collagen is what gives the skin its stretchy, elastic properties, allowing it to move.

Bone structure and skin qualities – which are both the result of genetics – contribute to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. But there are some environmental factors and lifestyle choices that can make a person more likely to get lines on their face.

What lifestyle choices cause wrinkles?

Lifestyle choices that can worsen wrinkles include smoking, poor diet and spending too much time in the sun without protection.

Some habitual facial expressions can worsen wrinkles – for example frowning, scowling or squinting. Smiling can also lead to facial wrinkles.

What are the environmental factors that contribute to wrinkles?

Exposure to some common air pollutants can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. As this 2022 study shows, this is because these substances promote skin aging and cause inflammation of skin tissues.

How can I improve the appearance of wrinkles?

Wrinkles and lines are an inevitable result of aging – but to a degree it is possible to reduce the appearance of fine lines by making lifestyle changes.

For example, quitting smoking can help improve the appearance of your skin. Using a sunscreen on a daily basis can also slow the aging of your skin, as described in this 2013 study.

Reducing stress can alleviate habitual frowning and scowling.

It is harder to avoid environmental pollutants, but taking steps to stay hydrated may help your body to process them more quickly. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants may also help. And a good quality skin cleansing routine will also ensure pollutants don’t sit on the skin for too long.

Treatments with Botox are another way to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is a temporary effect that lasts three to four months. Botox works by relaxing the muscles that make facial expressions. At your Botox appointment, a qualified aesthetic technician will inject Botox into these muscles. By relaxing facial muscles, aestheticians can improve the drape of the skin so that the appearance of wrinkles is reduced.

We select the best Botox brand for our procedures to ensure we give an excellent service at a competitive price with results that will delight our clients.

Where can I learn more about Botox appointments?

We have plenty of information about Botox appointments: start by finding out whether this temporary anti-wrinkle treatment is right for you.

To make a Botox appointment with Global Travel Clinics, visit our clinics page and select the city nearest you.